Do you want to rent a car from Gül Turizm?

Do you want to rent a car from Gül Turizm?
Do you want to rent a car from Gül Turizm?

Gul Tourism and Travel Inc. In Hatay, it provides service in Antakya, Hatay Airport (HTY) and Iskenderun branches. From which branch you will rent a car, you must specify it on the reservation screen.

A car rental reservation is just like a hotel reservation or a flight ticket reservation.

There are 4 situations you need to know when renting a car from Gül Turizm ve Seyahat A.Ş.; You must not be under the age of 22, have a valid international driver's license for at least 2 years, have a valid credit card registered in your name and be an insured employee.

The first thing Gül Tourism Officer will want to see is a valid driver's license and a valid credit card. Transactions are made with the originals of official documents, copies are not valid. A prepaid credit card (Virtual card) doesn't work either. No provision can be made for debit cards.

You may have to pay extra for car rental insurance. There is a 2% exemption in our insurance. You should consider this when renting a car from Gül Turizm ve Seyahat A.Ş. If you wish, you can eliminate this responsibility by purchasing Full Accident Insurance on the reservation screen.

| Hatay Airport Car Rental | Hatay Airport Rent a Car | Antakya Car Rental | Iskenderun Car Rental |
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